Hello, Taking a nap, because the weather is nice. A greeting to the dandelion.
How long, I was gazing through the meadow without minding the clock, when I saw him.
Hey Ho! (Ho!) For a shy girl like me, all I can do is look from a distance.
Say Ho! (Ho!) If I only scream in my heart, he won�t turn around.
Looking from behind, as he walks as he shakes his mane,
Even now, this heart of mine is about to burst.
This love will probably not come true. I can�t even get close to him.
Because being the fat girl that I am, he will eat me.
I know� He looks so proud with his mane, and his roar that is heard throughout the jungle.
Why not� Why did the two of us, ever meet?
Even when we are this different.
Everyone around me is against it, telling me �you shouldn�t.�
But, in my eyes, I can�t see anything else anymore.
This love will never end. I don�t care if it�s a love that will never come true.
If he�s alright with the fat girl that I am,
I don�t mind if I get eaten.
He noticed me!
He is running this way�but no! No! No! I actually can�t do this.
my love is �Pigs might fly� I have to run away fast.
Because he will eat me. |